5 Ways to Use Software for Office Supply Dealers to Connect with New Customers
Learn how a website can take your office products business to the next level.
Connecting with new customers can be a challenge for any business. But one of the most important tools in your toolbox when it comes to growing your business and reaching new customers is one you might not consider when thinking about sales: your online presence.
A well-designed website and e-commerce platform, especially one created using GOPD’s software for office supply dealers, can help jumpstart your business growth and win over new customers in several ways:
- Making a great first impression
- Offering sales and discounts
- Creating custom e-commerce pages
- Helping your team give personalized recommendations
- Giving you the tools to reduce cart abandonment
Keep reading to learn more about the ways our software for office supply dealers can help you connect with and win new customers!
Making a great first impression
In today’s market, people shopping for office supplies online have a lot of choices. If they visit a potential vendor’s website only to find an outdated design, difficult-to-navigate structure, or even no online shopping options at all, they’re likely to start their search over and choose another company. Avoid that scenario by working with GOPD to create an attractive homepage layout, and a modern, easily navigable shopping site.
Offering sales and discounts
Nothing helps lure in new customers quite like the chance that they’ll save some money! With GOPD’s software for office supply dealers, you can create a variety of sales and discounts to win over new business, including discounts for first-time customers.
Creating custom e-commerce pages
Imagine a store made just for you, with all of the products you need and none of the filler you don’t. With GOPD, that’s a possibility! Our team can help you create custom e-commerce pages for individual organizations or customers, designed with their branding and highlighting the products they need most. Imagine a private shop for a business with multiple offices around the state, or one designed for parents and teachers at a school with their colors and each grade’s shopping list front and center. Giving your customers a personalized experience will help them keep coming back!
Helping your team give personalized recommendations
Speaking of personalized, GOPD’s software for office supply dealers features back-office tools and analytics that can help your sales team get to know your customers and their shopping habits better. Giving your customers product recommendations and discounts on the things they buy most is a personal touch big box stores and global online retailers just can’t offer!
Giving you the tools to reduce cart abandonment
One of the most challenging issues online retailers face is cart abandonment: your customers get all the way to your website, start adding items to your cart and then disappear without checking out. With GOPD’s Save-a-Sale feature, your sales team can get an instant text message alert if a customer is having any issues or leaves the site with items still in their cart. If a new customer is having any problems using your site, this feature allows you to offer help right away!
For more e-commerce tips, read our previous blog posts on promoting your online store and reducing shopping cart abandonment.
GOPD’s software for office supply dealers is the perfect tool you need to grow your business, strengthen your online presence, and start winning over new business. To learn more about the difference we can make for your organization, check out our Dealers page or contact our team today!